

The HQStage run command enables to run Python, IPython or Jupyter Notebooks in a HQStage environment. This set of run commands is the easiest way to start Python interpreters that work in an environment with access to HQStage Modules like the HQS Noise App.


To see all available commands of hqstage run type.

hqstage run --help


  • examples: Run Jupyter in a virtual environment in the examples directory.
  • python: Run Python in a virtual environment.
  • ipython: Run IPython in a virtual environment.
  • jupyter: Run Jupyter in a virtual environment.


To see the available sub-commands and options of any HQStage run sub-command type

hqstage run <command> --help


Run a Jupyter server inside the examples download directory in a virtual environment.

If no options are specified, the default virtual environment will be used.

hqstage run examples [OPTIONS]


  • –venv: (TEXT) The name of a virtual environment. For an overview run hqstage envs list.
  • –examples-dir: (DIRECTORY) The path to the examples directory if you chose another dir than the default.


To create a virtual environment called my_env, install the HQS Noise App, download examples, and start a Jupyter server inside the environment and download dir run

hqstage envs create my_env
hqstage modules install hqs_noise_app_py --venv my_env
hqstage modules download-examples
hqstage run examples --venv my_env


Run Python in a virtual environment.

If no options are specified, the default virtual environment will be used.

hqstage run python [OPTIONS]


  • –venv: (TEXT) The name of a virtual environment. For an overview run hqstage envs list.


To create a virtual environment called my_env, install the HQS Noise App and start a Python terminal inside the environment that can execute the HQS Noise App run

hqstage envs create my_env
hqstage modules install hqs_noise_app_py --venv my_env
hqstage run python --venv my_env


type exit() or Ctrl-D to exit out of IPython.


Run IPython in a virtual environment.

If no options are specified, the default virtual environment will be used.

hqstage run ipython [OPTIONS]


  • –venv: (TEXT) The name of a virtual environment. For an overview run hqstage envs list.


To create a virtual environment called my_env, install the HQS Noise App and start a IPython terminal inside the environment that can execute the HQS Noise App run

hqstage envs create my_env
hqstage modules install hqs_noise_app_py --venv my_env
hqstage run ipython --venv my_env


type exit() or Ctrl-D to exit out of IPython.


Run Jupyter in a virtual environment. This launches a Jupyter server inside the virtual environment and opens a browser with Jupyter opened in a new tab.

If no options are specified, the default virtual environment will be used.

hqstage run jupyter [OPTIONS]


  • –venv: (TEXT) The name of a virtual environment. For an overview run hqstage envs list.


To create a virtual environment called my_env, install the HQS Noise App and start Jupyter inside the environment that can execute the HQS Noise App run

hqstage envs create my_env
hqstage modules install hqs_noise_app_py --venv my_env
hqstage run jupyter --venv my_env


type Ctrl-C to shut down this Jupyter server.