

HQStage comes with minimal requirements. You only need to have a working Python installation on your system. The hqstage CLI tool requires python>=3.9. Depending on your operating system you can install Python following the instructions for Unix (Linux and BSD), Mac or Windows.

Please try if the correct command in your environment is python or python3. Please adapt the following commands accordingly.

Running Python in Windows

Throughout this documentation we assume that you use PowerShell to execute commands.

If you installed Python via WindowsApp store it will be added to the Path and you can use all commands of the form

python ...

in Windows PowerShell. If Python is not in your Path (you get an ObjectNotFound error when execting Python) you have to replace python with the path to your python.exe, e.g.


if you have installed a virtual environment as described below.

Default path Windows PowerShell

The default working directory when starting Windows PowerShell can be C:\Windwos\System32. This folder is read-only and you will not be able to change or create any files therein. To avoid errors when running hqstage change directory to another folder, e.g., by typing


Virtual environment

We recommend to install HQStage into a virtual environment using venv. Once you have installed Python on your system you can create and activate a virtual environment called “HQStageBase” in your user directory using


python -m venv ~/HQStageBase
. ~/HQStageBase/bin/activate


python -m venv $env:USERPROFILE\HQStageBase

We will call the path to your environment, e.g., ~/HQStageBase, $env:USERPROFILE\HQStageBase, or <venv> from now on. If you are using a special shell you might need a different command to activate the environment:

Shell specific activation


sh, bash, dash, zsh. <venv>/bin/activate
fish. <venv>/bin/
csh, tcshsource <venv>/bin/activate.csh



Execution policy not allowing scripts error in Windows

If you get an error that execution of scripts is deactivated you can use

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

to allow unrestricted execution of local scripts for the current user. See here for more information on execution policies in Windows.

It is the user’s responsibility to assess the risks of this change in settings.

Instead of allowing execution of scripts you can replace every python with <venv>\Scripts\python.exe. In this case you do not have to activate the virtual environment.

Installing HQStage

Once Python has been setup the hqstage CLI tool can be installed. HQStage uses open source libraries. A list of used libraries can be found in the cli documentation. Please follow the download link for HQStage on and copy the corresponding pip command. To see the download link you have to have an active license for HQStage connected to your account. You can request access to a free trial license for the HQStage including access to the modules HQS Noise App and HQS Qorrelator App here. The pip command has the following form:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade --index https://token:user-[a long ID] hqstage

In some environments it might be necessary to use python -m pip install ... instead. If you run into problems with both versions please try just pip install ....

Now, hqstage is available in your Python environment. After restarting your terminal you can execute hqstage by running


Using a virtual envitonment

To use HQStage in a virtual environment activate the environment before running pip or hqstage.

Windows ObjectNotFound

If you have not activated your virtual environment Windows will not be aware of hqstage. Either activate the virtual environment into which HQStage was installed or run


instead of hqstage.