

The HQStage license command enables to manage your HQStage licenses.


To see all available commands of hqstage license type.

hqstage license --help


  • –verbose: (INTEGER) The verbosity level:
    • 0 = quiet
    • 1 = normal
    • 2 = verbose.


  • activate: Activate your current machine. Must be run before executing HQStage Modules.
  • checkout: Checkout a license file. Must be run before executing hqstage modules.
  • deactivate: Deactivate another or your current machine.
  • entitlements: Get your license entitlements.
  • get: Get your currently used license id.
  • set: Set your license id.

activate and checkout are executed as a part of hqstage init.


To see the available sub-commands and options of any HQStage license command type

hqstage license <command> --help


Activate your current machine.

Must be run before executing hqstage modules. If your machine is already activated, this command will do nothing but print a confirmation that your machine has been activated.

 hqstage license activate [OPTIONS] [MACHINE_NAME] [LICENSE_ID]

Positional arguments:

  • [MACHINE_NAME] (optional): An optional human readable name for your computer that can help you to identify machines.
  • [LICENSE_ID] (optional): The license ID for which to activate your computer. Defaults to the currently active license (see license get and license set)


hqstage license activate <your-license-id>


Checkout the license file from HQS licensing server.

This checks out the license file from HQS licensing server and saves it into the config directory. The license file will be used by HQStage Modules to validate entitlements. The file is valid for 30 days and should be checked- out again before expiration.

 hqstage license checkout [OPTIONS] [LICENSE_ID]

Positional arguments:

  • [LICENSE_ID] (optional): The license ID for which to activate your computer. Defaults to the currently active license (see license get and license set)


hqstage license checkout <license-id>

Deactivate (Not implemented yet)

Deactivate another or your current machine.

 hqstage license deactivate [OPTIONS] [LICENSE_ID]


hqstage license deactivate <license-id>


Get your license entitlements.

Your license is entitled to HQStage Modules depending on your subscription or purchases. This command shows all entitlements of your active license.

 hqstage license entitlements [OPTIONS] [LICENSE_ID]

Positional arguments:

  • [LICENSE_ID] (optional): The license ID for which to activate your computer. Defaults to the currently active license (see license get and license set)


hqstage license entitlements <license-id>


Get your currently used license ID.

 hqstage license get [OPTIONS]


hqstage license get


Set your currently used license ID.

If you do not specify the license ID option and own more than one license this command will list your licenses and prompt you to choose one. Visit the HQS Cloud for an overview of your licenses.

 hqstage license set [OPTIONS] [LICENSE_ID]

Positional arguments:

  • [LICENSE_ID] (optional): The license ID for which to activate your computer. Defaults to the currently active license (see license get and license set)


hqstage license set <license-id>