HQS Modeling Assistant
With the HQS Modeling Assistant we make your journey into quantum simulation and quantum computing simple and streamlined. This virtual assistant makes getting started a breeze, guiding you through our modules and their functionalities. You don’t need to worry about labels and conventions - the HQS Modeling Assistant creates inputs in the correct format. Furthermore, by uploading relevant resources such as scientific papers, you can provide the assistant with contextual information, enabling you to set up your simulations through a mere handful of chat messages.

The detailed Documentation of HQS Modeling Assistant.
Open-source software components
OSS components installed by the user
OSS components installed by the user
Python packages required by conversation
name | concluded_license | |
0 | PyYAML | MIT |
1 | Pygments | BSD-2-Clause |
2 | annotated-types | MIT |
3 | anyio | MIT |
4 | asttokens | Apache-2.0 |
5 | attrs | MIT |
6 | certifi | MPL-2.0 |
7 | charset-normalizer | MIT |
8 | click | BSD-3-Clause |
10 | decorator | BSD License |
11 | distro | Apache Software License |
12 | docker | Apache Software License |
13 | executing | MIT |
14 | fastapi | MIT |
15 | h11 | MIT |
16 | httpcore | BSD License |
17 | httptools | MIT |
18 | httpx | BSD License |
19 | idna | BSD License |
20 | ipython | BSD-3-Clause |
21 | jedi | MIT |
22 | jsonschema | MIT |
23 | jsonschema-specifications | MIT |
24 | matplotlib-inline | BSD License |
25 | openai | Apache Software License |
26 | parso | MIT |
27 | pexpect | ISC |
28 | pip | PSF-2.0 |
29 | prompt_toolkit | BSD License |
30 | ptyprocess | ISC |
31 | pure_eval | MIT |
32 | pydantic | MIT |
33 | pydantic_core | MIT |
34 | python-dotenv | BSD-3-Clause |
35 | referencing | MIT |
36 | regex | Apache Software License |
37 | requests | Apache-2.0 |
38 | rpds-py | MIT |
39 | setuptools | PSF-2.0 |
40 | six | MIT |
41 | sniffio | MIT OR Apache-2.0 |
42 | stack-data | MIT |
43 | starlette | BSD License |
44 | tiktoken | MIT |
45 | tqdm | MPL-2.0 |
46 | traitlets | BSD License |
47 | typing_extensions | PSF-2.0 |
48 | urllib3 | MIT |
49 | uvicorn | BSD License |
50 | uvloop | MIT |
51 | validators | MIT |
52 | watchfiles | MIT |
53 | wcwidth | MIT |
54 | websockets | BSD-3-Clause |
Python packages required by notebook-assistant
name | concluded_license | |
1 | Jinja2 | BSD License |
2 | Markdown | BSD License |
3 | MarkupSafe | BSD-3-Clause |
4 | PyYAML | MIT |
5 | Pygments | BSD-2-Clause |
6 | Send2Trash | BSD License |
7 | annotated-types | MIT |
8 | anyio | MIT |
9 | argon2-cffi | MIT |
10 | argon2-cffi-bindings | MIT |
11 | arrow | Apache Software License |
12 | asttokens | Apache-2.0 |
13 | async-lru | MIT |
14 | attrs | MIT |
15 | babel | BSD-3-Clause |
16 | beautifulsoup4 | MIT |
17 | bleach | Apache Software License |
18 | certifi | MPL-2.0 |
19 | cffi | MIT |
20 | charset-normalizer | MIT |
21 | click | BSD-3-Clause |
22 | comm | BSD License |
23 | contourpy | BSD-3-Clause |
25 | cycler | BSD-3-Clause |
26 | debugpy | MIT |
27 | decorator | BSD License |
28 | defusedxml | PSF-2.0 |
29 | distro | Apache Software License |
30 | docker | Apache Software License |
31 | executing | MIT |
32 | fastapi | MIT |
33 | fastjsonschema | BSD License |
34 | fonttools | MIT |
35 | fqdn | Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) |
36 | h11 | MIT |
37 | httpcore | BSD License |
38 | httptools | MIT |
39 | httpx | BSD License |
40 | idna | BSD License |
41 | ipyevents | BSD License |
42 | ipykernel | BSD License |
43 | ipylab | BSD License |
44 | ipython | BSD-3-Clause |
45 | ipywidgets | BSD License |
46 | isoduration | ISC |
47 | jedi | MIT |
48 | json5 | Apache Software License |
49 | jsonpointer | BSD License |
50 | jsonschema | MIT |
51 | jsonschema-specifications | MIT |
52 | jupyter-events | BSD License |
53 | jupyter-lsp | BSD-3-Clause |
54 | jupyter_client | BSD License |
55 | jupyter_core | BSD License |
56 | jupyter_server | BSD License |
57 | jupyter_server_terminals | BSD License |
58 | jupyterlab | BSD License |
59 | jupyterlab_pygments | BSD License |
60 | jupyterlab_server | BSD License |
61 | jupyterlab_widgets | BSD-3-Clause |
62 | kiwisolver | BSD-3-Clause |
63 | matplotlib | PSF-2.0 |
64 | matplotlib-inline | BSD License |
65 | mistune | BSD-3-Clause |
66 | nbclient | BSD License |
67 | nbconvert | BSD License |
68 | nbformat | BSD License |
69 | nest-asyncio | BSD License |
70 | notebook | BSD License |
72 | notebook_shim | BSD License |
73 | numpy | BSD-3-Clause |
74 | openai | Apache Software License |
75 | overrides | Apache-2.0 |
76 | packaging | Apache-2.0 |
77 | pandocfilters | BSD-3-Clause |
78 | parso | MIT |
79 | pexpect | ISC |
80 | pillow | HPND |
81 | pip | PSF-2.0 |
82 | platformdirs | MIT |
83 | prometheus_client | Apache Software License |
84 | prompt_toolkit | BSD License |
85 | psutil | BSD-3-Clause |
86 | ptyprocess | ISC |
87 | pure_eval | MIT |
88 | pycparser | BSD-3-Clause |
89 | pydantic | MIT |
90 | pydantic_core | MIT |
91 | pyparsing | MIT |
92 | python-dateutil | Apache-2.0 |
93 | python-dotenv | BSD-3-Clause |
94 | python-json-logger | BSD License |
95 | pyzmq | BSD License |
96 | referencing | MIT |
97 | regex | Apache Software License |
98 | requests | Apache-2.0 |
99 | rfc3339-validator | MIT |
100 | rfc3986-validator | MIT |
101 | rpds-py | MIT |
102 | scipy | BSD-3-Clause |
103 | setuptools | PSF-2.0 |
104 | sidecar | BSD License |
105 | six | MIT |
106 | sniffio | MIT OR Apache-2.0 |
107 | soupsieve | MIT |
108 | stack-data | MIT |
109 | starlette | BSD License |
110 | terminado | BSD License |
111 | tiktoken | MIT |
112 | tinycss2 | BSD License |
113 | tornado | Apache-2.0 |
114 | tqdm | MPL-2.0 |
115 | traitlets | BSD License |
116 | types-python-dateutil | Apache-2.0 |
117 | typing_extensions | PSF-2.0 |
118 | uri-template | MIT |
119 | urllib3 | MIT |
120 | uvicorn | BSD License |
121 | uvloop | MIT |
122 | validators | MIT |
123 | watchfiles | MIT |
124 | wcwidth | MIT |
125 | webcolors | BSD-3-Clause |
126 | webencodings | BSD License |
127 | websocket-client | Apache-2.0 |
128 | websockets | BSD-3-Clause |
129 | widgetsnbextension | BSD License |