

The HQStage pip command enables users to manage pypi packages. Uses uv as a drop-in replacement for standard pip.


To see all available commands of hqstage pip type

hqstage pip --help


  • install: Install a list of Python packages from pypi.org
  • list: List installed packages.


To see the available sub-commands and options of any HQStage pip command type

hqstage pip <command> --help


Install the Python packages specified in NAMES from pypi.org.

To see the available sub-commands and options of pip install type

hqstage pip install --help
 hqstage pip install [OPTIONS] [NAMES]


  • –upgrade: Upgrade all installed packages while installing.
  • –venv: (TEXT) The name of a virtual environment. For an overview run hqstage envs list.Takes precedence over --venv_path. If neither --venv nor --venv_path is used modules will be installed into the default environment.
  • –venv_path: (PATH) The path to the virtual environment to use. If neither --venv nor --venv_path is used modules will be installed into the default environment.


hqstage pip install matplotlib pandas numpy --upgrade --venv=default


List installed packages.

To see the available sub-commands and options of package list type

hqstage pip list --help
 hqstage pip list [OPTIONS]


  • –venv: (TEXT) The name of a virtual environment. For an overview run hqstage envs list.Takes precedence over --venv_path. If neither --venv nor --venv_path is used modules will be installed into the default environment.
  • –venv_path: (PATH) The path to the virtual environment to use. If neither --venv nor --venv_path is used modules will be installed into the default environment.


hqstage pip list