
After installing HQStage you can run HQStage with the hqstage command in your terminal. The CLI comes with a set of (sub-)commands described in the following sections of this user guide.

Environments HQStage uses Python virtual environments to install HQS Modules and Python packages. You can manage HQStage environments using the hqstage envs command.

HQStage Modules Within HQStage our software tools are called Modules. You can install modules into environments and manage them using the hqstage modules command.

Other Python Packages You can install Python packages from or other index sources into HQStage environments using the hqstage pip command.

Running Python interpreters With HQStage you can easily run Python, IPython or Jupyter Notebooks in a HQStage environment. The hqstage run command is the easiest way to start the different Python interpreters that work in an environment with access to HQStage Modules like the HQS Noise App.

Typical workflow using HQStage

A typical workflow to setup and run Python interpreters with access to HQStage Modules is to

  1. create a virtual environment using HQStage, e.g., hqstage envs create my_env
  2. install required HQStage Modules and Python packages, e.g., hqstage modules install hqs_noise_app_py --venv my_env and hqstage pip install matplotlib --venv my_env
  3. Start a Jupyter server using hqstage run jupyter --venv my_env and start creating a notebook that realizes your next simulation using HQStage Modules.
  4. If required: Write a Python script containing the simulation and run it using hqstage run python This could also be done on a cluster or another potent workstation (after creating the required environment again on this machine).

Getting help in the terminal

To see all available commands of HQStage type

hqstage --help

To see the available sub-commands and options of any HQStage command type

hqstage <command> --help


hqstage envs --help
hqstage modules list --help