Quantum algorithm

We only describe the simplified algorithm for the infinite-temperature case in detail. For a detailed discussion of the standard correlation measurement we refer the reader to the literature.

Time evolution

To measure a correlation function in the time domain for a time difference \(t\), it is necessary to propagate the density matrix prepared on the quantum computer for a virtual time \(t\) (not to be confused with the time that passes in the laboratory frame of reference \(\tau\)).

The time propagation is handled with a standard Trotterization approach. The Hamiltonian of our NMR system can be written as a sum of partial Hamiltonians \[ \hat H = \sum_k \hat H_k \] and the time propagation under a partial Hamiltonian can be implemented on the quantum computer directly \[ \hat U_k(t) = e^{- \textrm{i} \hat H_k t} \ . \] For an NMR system, \(\hat H_k\) correspond to the onsite energy terms (Zeeman Hamiltonian) or the sum of all interaction terms between a specific pair of spins.

The time evolution under the full Hamiltonian can then be approximated as \[ e^{-\textrm{i} \hat H t} \approx \prod_{\alpha=1}^{M} \prod_{k} \hat U_k\left(\frac{t}{M}\right) \ , \] where the approximation is well controlled if \(M\) is sufficiently large.

The main difference in the methods provided by the HQS Software are

  • How each \(\hat U_k(t) \) is implemented in quantum gates.
  • How the necessary swapping of qubits between \( \hat U_k(t) \) is implemented.

The HQS software provides three optional algorithms:

  • QSWAP - The \(\hat U_k(t) \) involving two spins are implemented as gates that also swap the position of the two qubits
  • ParityBased - The \(\hat U_k(t) \) involving two spins are implemented without swapping two spins with the help of two CNOT operations


The QSWAP algorithm is the algorithm used by default. It implements every two-spin time propagation \(\hat U_k(t)\) with a so-called Qsim gate between neighbouring qubits (e.g. between \(0\) and \(1\) or \(2\) and \(3\) etc.). A Qsim gate applies the time evolution under a two-spin Hamiltonian \[ \hat H = J_x \hat S^x_j \hat S^x_{j+1} + J_y \hat S^y_j \hat S^y_{j+1} + J_z \hat S^z_j \hat S^z_{j+1} \] and also swaps the information content between the two involved qubits. Due to the repeated application of Qsim gates, the spins of NMR are swapped through the qubits in the quantum computer. At different stages of the algorithm, the same qubit can represent different spins. This "swap network" (for a Fermionic variant see Kivlichan et. al) also takes care of qubit routing. In many quantum computing devices, the number of other qubits a qubit can interact with is limited. For example, only next-neighbour interactions in 1D or 2D might be possible. For devices with at least 1D next-neighbour connectivity (meaning qubit \(0\) can interact with qubit \(1\), \(1\) with \(2\) and so on) the QSWAP algorithm already introduces all necessary SWAPS so that all gates in the produced quantum circuit can be applied without inserting additional SWAPS.

The QSWAP algorithm produces a Trotterization circuit with depth \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) and number of qubits \(\mathcal{O}(N^2)\), where N is the number of spins in the system.


The parity-based algorithm directly implements the interaction between two qubits by applying a basis rotation, constructing the overall parity of the two qubits in one of the two qubits, and applying a single qubit rotation. For example, to implement an XX interaction, we can use the circuit

CNOT implementation of XX interaction

The Hadamard gates H rotate the qubits into the X basis, the CNOT prepares the parity and the \(\textrm{R}_z\) gate propagates under the XX interaction for time \(t\).

The parity-based algorithm does not introduce a reordering of spins on the qubits of the device. In general, on devices with a limited connectivity, additional SWAP gates need to be introduced to be able to run a circuit implementing the parity-based algorithm.

In the general case, the parity-based algorithm will lead to a larger gate count than a QSWAP algorithm. However, for devices with all-to-all connectivity (where each qubit can interact with every other qubit), inserting additional SWAP operations is not necessary. For those devices, the number of gates in the parity-based algorithm scales linearly with the number of XX, YY and ZZ operations in the Hamiltonian of interest.

State initialisation

We want to measure correlators \(\langle A(t)B \rangle\) with respect to the infinite-temperature state, represented by the maximally-mixed density matrix

\[ \hat \rho_0 = \frac{1}{2^N} \hat 1 . \]

There are different ways to achieve this goal.

The default way to achieve this measurement in the HQS Qorrelator App is to use a sum over all initial states (reducing the number of initial states by using a spin symmetry). This measures the infinite temperature operator by running the correlation measurement over all possible initial eigenstates of the \( B \) operator. With this option, the number of circuits and measurements scales exponentially with the number of qubits. It has, however, the least requirements for the quantum computer. Other measurement methods (referred to initialisations of the infinite-temperature state) can require active reset or mid circuit measurement operations.

The other initialisations that are available in the HQS Qorrelator App are:

  • ActiveReset: Uses an initialisation that prepares the infinite-temperature state by dephasing after applying Hadamard gates. Assumes the \( B \) operator only acts on one qubit. Actively resets the qubit the \( B \) operator is acting on and adds two measurement circuits:

    • One where the qubit is set to 0 and the output of a virtual qubit is set to zero
    • One where the qubit is set to 1 and the output of a virtual qubit is set to zero

    This avoids measuring inside the circuit which is more efficient. This can only be applied when the \( B \) operator is a sum of local operators and the number of measurements is comparable to the dimension of the Hilbert space of the system. The sequence is: Hadamard on all qubits -> ActiveReset on qubit -> Two Circuits: One where qubit is 0 one where qubit is 1 -> Rotate back from \( B \) basis.

  • NonCorrelatingMeasurement: Uses an initialisation that prepares the infinite-temperature state by applying Hadamard gates and using the measurement that is normally necessary to extract the correlator with the \( B \) correlation operator. This can only be applied when the \( B \) operator is a sum of local operators and the number of measurements is comparable to the dimension of the Hilbert space of the system. The sequence is: Hadamard on all qubits -> Measure -> Rotate back from \( B \) basis. It is recommended to only use this on an experimental basis.

  • GeneralMeasurement: Uses an initialisation that prepares the infinite-temperature state by measuring after a Hadamard gate. This can only be applied when the number of measurements is comparable to the dimension of the Hilbert space of the system. The sequence is: Hadamard on all qubits -> Measure -> Rotate into \( B \) basis -> Measure -> Rotate back from \( B \) basis. It is recommended to only use this on an experimental basis.

  • GeneralDephasing: Uses an initialisation that prepares the infinite-temperature state by dephasing after applying Hadamard gates. This can only be applied when the number of measurements is comparable to 2^N where N is the number of qubits the \( B \) operator acts on. The sequence is: Hadamard on all qubits -> Let system dephase -> Rotate into \( B \) basis -> Measure -> Rotate back from \( B \) basis. It is recommended to only use this on an experimental basis.

Correlator Measurement

The spin correlator is measured in the time domain

\[ C(t) = \textrm{Tr}\left[ \hat{M}^{+}(t) \hat{M}^{-} \hat \rho_0 \right] \ , \]

where we have the total spin operators

\[ \hat{M}^{\pm} = \sum_j \gamma_j \hat S^{\pm}_j \ , \]

which are the sum of the single-spin operators scaled by the gyromagnetic factors. In an infinite-temperature environment, the initial density matrix is \( \hat \rho_0 = \frac{1}{2^N} \). The correlator \( \langle M^+(t)M^-(0) \rangle \) can be reconstructed by measuring the correlators \( \langle X(t) X(0) \rangle \), \( \langle Y(t) Y(0) \rangle \), \( \langle X(t) Y(0) \rangle \), \( \langle Y(t) X(0) \rangle \). Each of these is obtained as follows:

  • The right operator in the correlator is measured, collapsing the initial state to one of its eigenstates, \( m_n(0) \), and the corresponding eigenvalue \( m_n \) is stored.

  • This eigenstate \( m_n(0) \) is time-evolved with the Trotterization algorithm, obtaining \( m_n(t) \).

  • The expectation value of the left operator in the correlator is measured in this evolved state, obtaining for instance \( \langle m_n(t) | X | m_n(t) \rangle \), given the left operator \(X\).

  • When this procedure is repeated for enough measurements, the full set of eigenstates of the left operator is eventually sampled and the trace is constructed as

    \[ \textrm{Tr}\left[ \hat{X}(t) \hat{Y} \hat \rho_0 \right] = \frac{1}{2^N} \sum_{m_n} m_n \langle X(t) \rangle_{m_n} . \]

Sketch of the correlation measurement

With a growing number of spins, the number of basis states grows exponentially. This would require exponentially many measurements to reconstruct the trace and negate a possible advantage.

One solution, using the active reset initialisation, is to split the correlator measurement into N correlator measurements

\[ C_k(t) = \textrm{Tr}\left[ \hat{M}^{+}(t) \gamma_k \hat S^-_{k} \hat \rho_0 \right] \ . \]

We only measure the qubit \(k\) to prepare for the measurement of \(C_k(t)\) and leave all other qubits in the fully mixed state. In this approach, the number of circuits only scales as \(\mathcal{O}(N)\) with the number of spins \(N\).

As a final optimization, we use the conservation of the total spin so that the correlator between two \(S^+\) operators is always zero, meaning we can replace the first operator with a \(\hat S^x\) operator which is more efficient on a quantum computer \[ C_k(t) = \textrm{Tr}\left[ \hat{M}^{+}(t) \gamma_k \hat S^x_{k} \hat \rho_0 \right] \ . \]

Basis choice in algorithms

It is convention to define the strong magnetic field in NMR along the Z-axis. However, the choice of the axis is arbitrary, as the fundamental problem is symmetric. When choosing to define the NMR system along the X-axis for example, the correlation functions that need to be calculated are \( \langle Y(t) Z(0) \rangle \) and \( \langle Z(t) Z(0) \rangle \), but with respect to a transformed Hamiltonian, the single spin terms are \(X\) terms. This transformation simplifies the construction of initial states in the quantum-computation.

To simplify this process, the HQS Qorrelator App allows the user to create quantum programs that use the X-axis basis and automatically transforms Hamiltonians that are provided into the usual Z-axis basis. The setting can be changed with the b_field_direction property of the NMRCorrelator class, which is the main utility class of the HQS Qorrelator App.